Communication with Shareholders and Investors

Basic Stance/Policy

THK engages in IR activities in an effort to disclose information in a manner that is fair, impartial, expedient, accurate, and easy to understand. We strive to provide more thorough and valuable information through IR events such as financial results briefings and IR tools such as our investor relations website and Annual Report.

Activities and Results

Primary IR Activities

We engage in IR activities in an effort to disclose information in a manner that is fair, impartial, expedient, accurate, and easy to understand. We strive to provide more thorough and valuable information through IR events such as financial results briefings and IR tools such as our investor relations website and Annual Report.

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IR events IR meetings
  • Due to the coronavirus, these meetings were conducted over the phone. About 300 meetings were held during the year.
Financial results briefing
  • Post presentation materials and videos on the IR website mid-year and at year end
General Meeting of Shareholders
  • Scheduled on a Saturday during a period when few shareholder meetings are scheduled, accompanied by an exhibition*
IR tools IR website
  • Publish various IR tools and content oriented towards individual investors
Annual Report
  • Compile company overview, management targets, and medium- to long-term strategies
Investor information (fact book)
  • Compile detailed financial data

The IR Website

  • IR Library
    In addition to documents related to financial statements, including investor information compiled from summaries of financial results and detailed financial data, the library also includes Annual Reports and Sustainability Reports. Presentation materials and videos are available here following the financial results briefings held every year in February and August.
  • IR Information E-mail Delivery Service (RIMSNET)
    This service sends an electronic newsletter announcing financial results to registrants, who are primarily individual investors.
    • * The IR Information E-mail Delivery Service is managed by Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.
Investor Relations page

General Meeting of Shareholders

For Our Individual Investors

Since 1998, we have held our General Meeting of Shareholders, which is based on the concept of an open meeting, on Saturdays during periods when few shareholder meetings are scheduled. We provide seats for observers so that many people, including business partners, can participate.

We also hold an exhibition* after the meeting, where we introduce the various fields where our products are utilized, such as machine tools, industrial robots, automotive and transportation equipment, and seismic isolation systems.

  • * As a precaution for the coronavirus, there were no seats for observers or a product exhibition at the 52nd General Meeting of Shareholders.

Annual Report

Through the Annual Report, we showcase our efforts to improve our medium- to long-term corporate value by comprehensively introducing various stakeholders, such as our shareholders and investors, to our message from the CEO, corporate history, growth strategies, segment-specific activities, R&D efforts, ESG matters, and more. Japanese and English versions of this report are available.