Relationship with SDGs

Efforts to Promote the SDGs

The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are an international agenda of 17 goals and 169 targets related to the environment and development for the world to achieve by 2030. These goals are held in common by every national and local government, non-governmental organization, and non-profit organization, as well as by public corporations and individuals with the aim of facilitating sustainable livelihoods and societies under the banner of leaving no one behind.


As a company focused on creation and development, we have generated markets and introduced the world to products that reflect the desires of customers ever since our founding.
With the conviction that our business itself is our corporate social responsibility, we aim to cultivate good relationships with all our stakeholders and continue working to achieve an affluent society—in other words, to solve the social challenges addressed by the SDGs—while practicing CSV.*

  • * CSV is an abbreviation of “creating shared value.” This is a strategy of using a company’s strengths to solve social challenges and lead to sustained corporate growth.

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Material Issues SDGs THK’s Approach THK’s Activities KPIs
Establishing a BCP (business continuity plan) for infectious diseases
3 Good health and well-being We work to ensure the safety of our employees and their families, and we establish business continuity. During times of trouble, we institute a number of measures based on our Emergency Response Manual to quickly establish a task force and have persons responsible for every region gather and share information. Corporate activities to fulfill our responsibility to supply products as an essential business
Development of core technology and next-generation products
7 Affordable and clean energy We use the rolling technology we have cultivated through the LM Guide to develop new products for the renewable energy field. We developed and released the Model WLS Low-Torque Shaft Unit, which provides sufficient strength and durability, guarantees a high level of safety, and conforms to 61400-2 international standards for wind turbines and Japan’s JSWTA 0001 standards. Expand existing wind turbine technology applications to hydroelectric power generation for irrigation channels
9 Industry, innovation, and infrastructure We supply high-quality products with high added value that meet the needs of our customers. We cultivate our core technology centered on the LM Guide, ball screw, and other rolling technologies that provide energy savings in the manufacturing industry, and we develop new products and improvements in addition to our IoT system, which visualizes machine component status. Continue releasing new products to global markets and updating existing products
11 Sustainable cities and communities We supply products that work to reduce earthquake damage by protecting homes and other property as well as historical buildings and other aspects of cultural heritage. We developed and released seismic isolation systems based on the LM Guide, including the Linear Re-circulating Guide CLB for buildings and the Seismic Isolation Module Model TGS and Seismic Isolation Table Model TSD for equipment, and systems based on the ball screw, including the Viscous Damping System RDT and the Internal Rotary Damping Tube iRDT. Develop products that fit the needs of previously untapped markets and expand the sale of seismic isolation systems
Creating a pleasant work environment
8 Decent work and economic growth We prohibit discrimination, child and forced labor, and other human rights violations. In addition, we maintain a work environment that is easy for people with disabilities to work in, and we promote the employment of diverse talent. We implemented several systems to create a more accommodating workplace, including our rehiring program introduced in 2019 (which provides reemployment opportunities to former employees who want to return after having to leave for personal circumstances such as marriage, childcare, or elderly care, if they meet work history and other criteria). Achieve a ratio where women constitute 20% or more of new hires in the sales, administrative, and engineering divisions, and accelerate the promotion of women to management and leadership positions
Strengthening relationships with stakeholders
8 Decent work and economic growth We provide forums to teach others about how enjoyable and meaningful it is to work in manufacturing. We launched the THK Education Outreach Program and developed learning materials to provide classrooms with educational opportunities to develop their students’ cognitive, decision-making, and presentation skills through manufacturing. Develop new educational materials and continue visiting middle schools in six local areas around our Japanese production facilities
Reducing environmental impact
12 Responsible consumption and production We cut down on energy use in our business activities and continually promote the reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. We installed high-efficiency equipment, upgraded air conditioning units, switched to LED lighting, and introduced new energy systems. Reduce energy consumption rate by 1% from where it was at a baseline year specified by THK and each Group company
13 Climate action In addition to complying with environmental laws, we set self-imposed standards that are reviewed regularly to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our environmental management. We purchase components in accordance with our Green Procurement Guidelines and reduce our use of PRTR substances and promote alternatives as we conform to regulations related to the management of chemical substances. Comply with the RoHS Directive and other regulations and reduce PRTR substance use by 3% each year from where it was at a baseline year specified by THK and each Group company