Internal Audit

Basic Stance/Policy

As a matter of basic policy, we conduct internal audits that contribute to management and the departments being audited. Internal auditors monitor the business activities of each department as a group directly reporting to the CEO that is independent from any other department.

The Internal Audit Department carries the dual responsibilities of conducting internal audits and evaluating internal controls.

During internal audits, the business activities of each department and Group company are audited. These audits are generally performed on-site every year, and the results are summarized in an internal audit report and distributed to both management and the departments under audit. In 2021, as the coronavirus pandemic continued, these audits were instead conducted virtually at 67 offices and departments.

During evaluations of internal controls, internal controls related to financial reporting are evaluated based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. With the release of internal control reports, management evaluates the effectiveness of internal controls and undergoes an audit by accounting auditors on an annual basis. In 2021, the overall internal controls were evaluated at 21 locations, and the internal controls related to business processes were evaluated at 13 locations.