Quality Assurance Structure

Basic Stance/Policy

Quality Policy

We supply reliable and safe products of superior quality to all customers and provide a complete quality assurance system with global considerations in mind.

Quality Management System

THK has established a quality assurance system in which each production facility both in and outside of Japan is certified with the ISO 9001 Quality Management System. We provide a quality assurance system for the industrial machinery business that produces machine tools, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, medical devices, robots, and seismic isolation and damping systems. With this as our base, we obtain certifications in quality standards adapted for new fields such as the automotive and transportation business and the aerospace industry.

In addition, as the cooperation of our suppliers is critical to improving our product quality, we work to establish trusting relationships with our vendors and conduct quality audits in compliance with our quality management system in order to maintain and improve quality.

Furthermore, as part of managing our product development process, we review the solutions implemented for any issues during the planning, design, prototype, trial, and mass-production stages, and we work to manage the stability and maintenance of quality levels after mass production.

We have also established a system that allows quality data to be shared globally. In addition to gathering feedback from customers in each region, analyzing it, and providing rapid and appropriate service, we endeavor to develop products that meet market needs and improve quality.

Global Quality Assurance Structure
Quality System Overview
Quality Management System Certification Status

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ISO 9001 JIS Q 9100
Aerospace Industry
IATF 16949
Automotive Industry
Japan 11 1 4
Outside of Japan 13 - 7
Total 24 1 11
Quality Management Process

THK Group Activities


LM Guide products, ball screws, cross-roller rings, electric actuators, seismic isolation systems, SEED Solutions, and more


We implement quality assurance activities to ensure we deliver products that will always satisfy our customers and earn their trust.

THK manages the quality of its products on the material level, possessing superior analytical equipment capable of analyzing microscopic inclusions and the composition of steel, resin, oil and grease, and more. We evaluate product performance by utilizing various kinds of testing equipment developed in-house, guaranteeing quality through our flawless system.

LM Guide


Precision stages, machine tools, robots, industrial machinery, and more


We channel our enthusiasm and special expertise into working with customers, bringing them solutions for automation, streamlining, and any other challenges they may face. We endeavor to be a strong company that can continue to grow for 10, 20, or 30 years.

With a slogan of “Striving for perfection in manufacturing,” THK INTECHS promotes high-tech automation. We continuously work to improve and stabilize our product quality, and we promote an appealing, original model for supplying products.

Precision stage


Ball splines and roller splines


We establish a quality assurance structure and continuously work on improvements in QDC (quality, delivery, and cost) to ensure we always deliver products that will satisfy our customers.

THK NIIGATA contributes to the advancement of society by further honing the ball splines it produces and providing high-quality products.

We are also working on transitioning to and obtaining certification in the JIS Q 9100:2016 Aerospace Quality Management System.

Furthermore, we realize the principles of “Customer first,” “Unity and cooperation,” and “Personal responsibility” as we strive to bring about the growth and well-being of people and corporations through our products.

Ball splines


Linkage and Suspension products for automobiles


Through our quality management system, which was established to guarantee the quality of critical safety components, we supply products that will satisfy our customers, and we continuously improve the effectiveness of the system.

THK RHYTHM primarily manufactures critical safety parts, and it delivers products that meet its customers’ requirements in an aim to achieve its management’s vision: the “Zero Defect” guarantee (eliminating defects through preventative measures).

We have also obtained IATF 16949 Automotive Quality Management System certification, successfully transitioning from ISO/TS 16949.

Linkage and Suspension products for automobiles


Slide rails and slide packs


We will pursue our work with speed and ingenuity, prioritizing quality, cost, delivery, service, and technology that will satisfy our customers.

NIPPON SLIDE will bolster its product quality and establish a rigorous quality management system, promoting manufacturing that satisfies customers and contributing to the advancement of society.

Slide rails
Slide packs