Statement on the UK Modern Slavery Act


In accordance with the provisions of the UK Modern Slavery Act, THK CO., LTD. is issuing the following statement summarizing its efforts to prevent human rights violations, including slave labor and human trafficking, within the THK Group and throughout its supply chain in 2021.

THK Group Overview

The THK Group was the first company in the world to develop the Linear Motion (LM) Guide, which is based on an original concept and innovative technology. Our mainstay LM Guide products have been adopted in many industries as components essential to achieving various types of labor-saving, high-precision, automated, and lightweight mechanisms. In addition, we also develop, produce, and supply to the world a range of other vital machine components, including ball splines and ball screws, as well as automotive and transportation components, such as linkage and suspension components; seismic isolation systems that protect human lives and property from earthquakes; and robots that solve challenges facing society.

See the following pages to learn more about THK.

THK Company Information
THK Group Overview
THK Products
THK Supply Chain Management

THK Group Policies

THK Group Stance

  1. (1) THK Corporate Philosophy

    As a manifestation of our entrepreneurial spirit, the THK Group’s corporate philosophy is "providing innovative products to the world and generating new trends to contribute to the creation of an affluent society".

  2. (2) THK Corporate Basic Policies

    The basic policies that the THK Group must follow as it performs its duties are creating value and contributing to society, being customer-oriented, and compliance with laws and regulations.

  3. (3) THK Group Action Charter

    The THK Group has established ten principles of behavior in order to perform its social responsibilities with high ethical standards, creating a sustainable society and respecting human rights around the world as well as the letter and spirit of relevant laws and international rules.

    THK Group Stance

These three items are contained in the “Fundamentals for the THK Group Employees” that is distributed to all THK Group employees.

Fundamentals for the THK Group Employees

THK Group Human Rights Policy

The THK Group Human Rights Policy was established as the guiding principle for the entire THK Group’s human rights efforts, and we engage in such efforts based on this policy.

THK Group Human Rights Policy

THK Group Human Rights Policy

The THK Group has established the following structures related to human rights.

  1. (1) THK’s Compliance Structure

    In Japan, we have established a Compliance Committee chaired by the CEO, and compliance subcommittees consisting of representatives from all offices, departments, and Group companies report to this committee.
    In addition, each Group company around the world has designated a person in charge of human rights and coordinates with the Compliance Committee and compliance subcommittees to ensure smooth communication.

  2. (2) THK Group Helpline

    The THK Group provides a helpline for employees to consult about or report matters concerning wrongful acts, legal violations, and unethical behavior, including issues related to human rights. A separate, dedicated point of contact is also available for incidents of harassment.

    THK Group Helpline
    Helpline for Harassment

Human Rights Efforts


Using a variety of methods, including a web conference system, in-person training conducted by internal or external instructors, e-learning materials, the company intranet, and internal information boards, the THK Group regularly disseminates valuable information and conducts training about human rights topics.

In 2021, we conducted the following human rights training.

  1. (1) Compliance subcommittee seminar

    Using a web conference system, basic training on whistleblowing was conducted virtually for all compliance subcommittee members. The training focused on the THK Group Helpline, which is also the helpline for human rights matters.

  2. (2) THK Taiwan compliance seminar

    A virtual compliance seminar was held for THK Taiwan employees using a web conference system. One of the main topics of the seminar was defining human rights and introducing the THK Group’s human rights efforts.

  3. (3) Training employees with “Compliance Tips”

    “Compliance Tips” is an internal publication issued regularly for THK Group employees in Japan in order to improve employee awareness and knowledge of compliance. This publication was utilized to educate employees on human rights and how to respect them.
    “Compliance Tips” is published to the company intranet and posted on each floor’s information board. Compliance subcommittee members also distribute PDF copies to employees.

    Training and Activities to Raise Awareness

Supply Chain Transparency

In order to achieve supply chain transparency, the THK Group has distributed its CSR Procurement Guidelines to suppliers and conducts surveys or interviews as appropriate to confirm compliance with those guidelines. In addition, the THK headquarters conducted a human rights survey in 2021 among Group companies in Japan, which are also considered its suppliers.
Although the survey results confirmed there are areas that still need to be addressed among external suppliers within the supply chain, they also concluded that the THK Group companies surveyed are making human rights efforts in accordance with the THK Group Human Rights Policy and other such guiding principles.

CSR Procurement Guidelines

THK Group Challenges

Among its various human rights initiatives, the THK Group recognizes the following matters as especially critical challenges.

  1. (1) Eliminating Discrimination

    The THK Group respects the basic human rights, individuality, and diversity of individuals. Furthermore, we do not discriminate, harass, or otherwise treat individuals inhumanely based on race, gender, language, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

  2. (2) Improving the Labor Environment

    The THK Group respects labor agreements and does not engage in any forced or child labor. By maintaining a dialogue with workers and striving to create a vibrant corporate culture in which all people respect each other for their diverse individual characteristics, we create a working environment where employees can work safely and with peace of mind, in a manner that is healthy both mentally and physically.
    In order to engage with this issue, we regularly conduct internal surveys to identify issues and consider improvements.

  3. (3) Ethical Material Procurement

    The THK Group aims for ethical procurement in its purchasing of components and materials used in its manufacturing processes. We strive to ensure that our procured goods do not contribute to human rights violations, and if we become aware of any such involvement, we will respond appropriately.

Request to our Suppliers

The THK Group strives to ensure our suppliers are made aware of our human rights activities, and we request that our suppliers make similar human rights efforts.
