THK Global

Cash Flows

  *The THK Group decided to adopt IFRS beginning with the 2019 fiscal year.

Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year

Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Millions of yen

  '18/12 '19/12
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year 134,513 149,091 158,839 151,430 163,835
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 55,177 28,383 25,399 15,643 37,561
Cash Flows from Investing Activities △ 33,055 △ 30,040 △ 18,406 △ 19,125 △ 30,081
Cash Flows from Financing Activities △ 11,645 18,304 3,977 △ 12,725 △ 3,649