Promoting Environmental Management

Basic Environmental Policy

The THK Group contributes to both society and the economy through our pioneering role as manufacturers of the Linear Motion Guide and other products. We also believe that it is a company’s social responsibility to leave the global environment in a healthy state for the next generation, which is why we are promoting the following initiatives to continually decrease our environmental impact and to sustain and improve the natural environment.

THK Group’s Basic Environmental Policy

Revised on August 21, 2019

  1. We consider conservation of the environment to be a major management challenge, and we are striving to accurately understand how our business activities, products, and services impact the environment. All divisions set appropriate environmental goals to address this challenge.
  2. In addition to complying with environmental laws, we have set self-imposed standards that are reviewed regularly to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our environmental management.
  3. We will continually promote the development of products that help reduce environmental impact.
  4. We will cut down energy use in our business activities and continually promote the reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  5. With a particular focus on the reduction and recycling of waste, we will not only continue to promote the saving and recycling of resources, but also strive to prevent pollution.
  6. We recognize the impact our business activities have on biodiversity, and we will actively work toward the conservation of all life on Earth.
  7. To achieve greater collaboration with regard to our environmental activities, we provide guidance and support to our affiliate companies and business partners, and also strive to work in cooperation and harmony with the community.
  8. This basic environmental policy is disseminated to all divisions in the group through education, training, and awareness campaigns, and we facilitate the timely release of information on the environment both within and outside the Group.

Structure for the Promotion of Environmental Activities

THK has developed a structure that promotes various initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact of its business activities.
The Environmental Committee, chaired by the CEO, convenes quarterly and approves each year’s environmental targets and environmental promotion schedule. In addition to reporting on the state of energy conservation activities, the management of hazardous materials, and the status of compliance with various other environmental laws and regulations, it also considers necessary improvements as appropriate.
The General Meeting for Environmental Measures convenes twice a year, headed by the Vice President. Representatives from each production facility and office department gather to recognize the necessity of proactive efforts toward reducing environmental impact. They share useful data, such as the status of energy use at each facility and examples of the results of energy-saving projects, and connect this information to improvement initiatives.
Specifically, they report on activities to reduce environmental impact that are suitable to each business location, such as the discovery and elimination of wasteful uses of energy, the transition to energy-efficient production equipment and HVAC systems, the installation of solar panels in open spaces, the conversion of lighting to LED bulbs, and so on.

Structure for the Promotion of Environmental Activities

Corporate Contribution to Environmental Conservation and Coexistence Project Award

The Wuxi plant participated in the city of Wuxi’s Xinwu District “Linking Hands” project to promote corporate environmental conservation and coexistence, helping three companies who were struggling with environmental management by establishing an environmental management system, introducing them to green initiatives, and advising them on employee training. In recognition of the results achieved by those companies in their energy-saving activities and in reducing their emissions, in continuation from last year, the Wuxi plant was given an award in June for participating in this project during the 2020–2021 time frame.

Award ceremony