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Major Financial Data


Earnings Per Share

Book-value per Share

Dividend per Share, Payout Ratio

Capital Expenditure, Depreciation

R&D Expenses

Number of Employees at End of Periods

Total Assets, Turnover Ratio

Inventory, Inventory Turnover Period (Months)

Net Worth Ratio

Millions of yen,Yen,Employees

  '13/3 '14/3 '15/3 '16/3 '17/3
Return on Assets (ROA) 4.2% 5.7% 8.2% 6.1% 6.1%
Return on Equity (ROE) 5.4% 7.7% 9.7% 5.5% 6.7%
Earnings per Share 76.96 123.16 179.36 107.24 132.18
Book-value per Share 1,479.41 1,736.51 1,957.48 1,953.97 1,966.80
Dividend per Share 18 26 50 50 41
Payout Ratio 23.4% 21.1% 27.9% 46.6% 31.0%
Capital Expenditure* 13,279 8,887 9,157 15,876 16,257
Depreciation* 9,782 10,843 11,159 12,005 10,841
R&D Expenses 3,932 4,377 4,498 4,602 4,653
Number of Employees at End of Periods 8,958 9,177 9,494 11,754 11,738
Turnover Ratio 0.58 0.59 0.61 0.62 0.67
Inventory Turnover Period (Months) 1.7 1.9 1.8 2.0 1.6
Net Worth Ratio 63.9% 65.3% 66.3% 60.7% 60.0%
*Capital Expenditure and Depreciation figures represent only those for property, and equipment
 The figures for 16/3 do not include the results by THK RHYTHM AUTOMOTIVE.