
The aerospace industry demands high performance systems in unusual environments. THK's products developed for use in vacuums and other special operating environments are used in manufacturing equipment from spacecraft bodies to spacecraft seat mechanisms.
Seat sliding mechanisms
LM Guide Model SR are used in the seat sliding mechanism of small aircraft. Because the floors in aircraft are generally made from sheet metal, measuring errors relating to mounting sections are common, and mounting can be a lengthy process. Because Model SR have excellent error absorbing capabilities, they can be mounted directly on the floor of aircraft, reducing the work required for assembly. In addition, THK's Miniature LM Guide Model RSR move smoothly and without play but are compact enough to use in seat footrests.
Products used
LM Guide (Linear Motion Guide)
The LM Guide (Linear Motion Guide) is our main product, incorporating a part with a linear rolling motion into practical usage for the first time in the world.
Ball Screw
The Ball Screw is a high-efficiency feed screw with the ball making a rolling motion between the screw axis and the nut.
Ball Spline
The Ball Spline is a rolling guide spline bearing.
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