Notice on the Extension of the temporary closure of TME
(THK Manufacturing of Europe in France)
March 31st, 2020
The French government has decided to extend the curfew, it prohibits going out for any non-emergency reasons after April 1st until further notice in order to reduce the spread of the new Coronavirus.
In regard to this decision, THK has decided it must therefore also extend the period of suspension of TME (THK Manufacturing of Europe S.A.S.)
We will continue to make announcements as the situation changes and will re-open as soon as it is possible to do so whilst also assisting in the safety of all.
We will make the best use of our global manufacturing network and take the best measures we can to avoid customer inconvenience.
We kindly ask you for your understanding.
THK America, Inc.
Tel: +1-847-310-1111