LM Guide (Linear Motion Guide/Slide Guide) Model LSR Registered in the National Museum of Nature and Science’s History of Japanese Industrial Technology Database

The LM Guide Model LSR, developed by THK as the world’s first commercial product of its kind, was registered in the History of Japanese Industrial Technology database maintained by the National Museum of Nature and Science in Japan.
The entry recognizes the Model LSR for using THK’s proprietary technology to enable the linear motion of machines through rolling motion and becoming the world’s first linear motion guide (LM Guide) commercialized in 1972, and that, by doing so, it drastically improved machine performance. This greatly contributed to the linear motion guide’s widespread adoption and proliferation within Japan’s key machine tool and semiconductor industries.
History of Japanese Industrial Technology Database
The History of Japanese Industrial Technology database stores valuable materials related to the development of technology in post-war Japan. This online database is maintained by the National Museum of Nature and Science’s Center of the History of Japanese Industrial Technology in order to preserve this history for future generations.
Linear Motion Rolling Guide LSR (Link to "History of Japanese Industrial Technology" in Japanese)